What is a personal vision and what 3 steps lead to it?

Added by: Adam Benkovič, 5. 7. 2017
- organize our thoughts (during its creation or any time after that)
- motivate ourselves better than with only temporary goals
- keep moving in the right direction
A vision (and the whole personal plan) is like a map - we can use it successfully if we have enough time and energy. In the end, a famous quote by Steve Jobs is: "If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next." On the other hand, it is good to enjoy the moment of success and when would be a better time to let yourself have some freedom? In any case, good times are suitable for vision creation. The same as with a map, the moments when we really need it are the ones when things get difficult.
What is a vision?
In general, it is a picture, an idea. A personal vision is a summary of what we want our future to be like. I have also mentioned the term personal plan - in Salmondo, this means a combination of a personal vision and goals, which we describe in another article. We can also define a vision by its features.
What should a vision be like?
- ideal – formulate it so that it represents your future the way you want it
- real – it should be ambitious but achievable - it would not motivate you otherwise
- personal – this means that its form is up to you - in Salmondo we do not dictate what it should be like
- long-term – a vision is oriented on
more distant future, typically in 5 or more years - stable – you can continuously adjust your vision but as it is supposed to be long-term, it should not include short-term goals
What should the vision not be like?
too specific – your goals should be specific but your vision should be more general - more like a direction and idea than an exact description
What steps lead to a vision?
Step 1 – self knowledge
Step 2 – brainstorming
Step 3 – creating a vision
Even more original is connecting the vision with a song, a poem or even a painting you create based on the vision. If you have a